Port of Spain, September 21, 2015 – The Association of Caribbean States (ACS) through the Directorate of Trade Development and External Economic Relations will convene the XXX Special Committee Meeting on Trade Development and External Economic Relations at its Headquarters in Port of Spain on 22nd September, 2015.
H.E. Mariana Sarasti Montoya, Vice Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism representing the Republic of Colombia in her capacity as Chair of the Special Committee on Trade Development and External Economic Relations will deliver introductory remarks together with H.E. Alfonso Múnera, Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS).
The Meeting will further address through the report of the Directorate, delivered by Mr Alberto Durán, Director of Trade of the ACS, an update on completed activities; ongoing projects; new initiatives and collaborative efforts in which the Directorate is currently engaged.
Other principal activities include a status report of the III Working Group on Business Visas in the Greater Caribbean, an initiative of the ACS in collaboration with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) which seeks to improve business mobility management for trade enhancement.
Mr Durán will also present the Draft Work Programme for the biennium 2015-2016 which will examine current projects and activities and introduce new initiatives. Based on four focal points, the Work Programme will: consider actions to further promote trade convergence and greater participation of ACS members, with special emphasis on the small economies of the Greater Caribbean; develop actions to consolidate and promote the development and expansion of trade and investment, its facilitation, competitiveness and connectivity among the countries of the ACS Region; integrate the ACS Region with other regional initiatives relating to the Business Convergence and promote and encourage International Trade negotiations and training on Trade Issues.
It is expected that at the close of this the XXX Special Committee on Trade, theTrade Agenda of the Greater Caribbean Region would have been further advanced through the participatory process and dialogue engagement which will be held with Member States of the Association.