Caracas, 22 October 2010 – Representatives of the 27 Member States of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) will gather in Venezuela to hold the XXXVI Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council, the highest decision-making body of this intergovernmental organization, based in Caracas.
During the discussions, to take place in the headquarters of the regional organization from 27 to 29 October 2010, the Permanent Secretary of SELA, Ambassador José Rivera Banuet, will submit for consideration of the Latin American Council the “Thirty-Fourth Annual Report of the Permanent Secretariat”, which refers to the activities carried out since the last regular meeting.
The Permanent Secretary will also present the “Draft Work Programme for the year 2011”, which is divided into three areas: Intra-regional Relations, Economic and Technical Cooperation, and Extra-regional Relations. In each area, a description is given on the projects and activities that are considered necessary to comply with the mandates of the Latin American Council and the recommendations and requests made by Member States at regional meetings.
In addition, he will summit for consideration of the Latin American Council the “Report on the Regional Integration Process 2009 – 2010”, which is aimed at giving the governments of the region an updated overview of the process, not only in terms of the evolution of their institutions, but also the most important advances and difficulties in the various economic and social areas where the integration dynamics is present, in order to contribute to a timely consultation and support the decisions made by governments.
Another topic to be analyzed in the event is the current situation of food prices and the way to boost food security in the region. This topic is of great significance and impact for the Member States of SELA, considering the effect of rises in food prices from 2006 to 2008 and the international economic and financial crisis in 2009. Compounding the situation is the cost of impacts of climate change and natural disasters on agriculture and agribusiness.
As part of the agenda of the meeting, a Forum on “Knowledge Economy and Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean” will be held on Thursday 28, with the participation of experts in the subject and representatives of the Member States of SELA.
Debates will also focus on issues related to the intensive use of knowledge, the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in productive and social processes, and the development of innovative capacities for social wealth generation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
This XXXVI Regional Meeting of the Latin American Council will mark the 35th anniversary of the signing of the Panama Convention that led to the creation of SELA, which was established in 1975 at the initiative of Venezuela and Mexico, in order to coordinate common positions among its Member States and promote economic and social cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean.