FinaI Report on the XXXIII Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council
Lista de Participantes / List of Participants [XXXIII reunión Ordinaria del Consejo Latinoamericano]
Decisión No. 486 Programa de trabajo de la secretaría Permanente para el año 2008
Decision No. 489 Elección del Secretario Permanente
Decision No. 489 Election of the Permanent Secretary
Palabras de la Señora Embajadora Floria Caricote Lovera, Secretaria Permanente, en el acto de instalación de la Etapa Ministerial
Speech by Ambassador Floria Caricote Lovera, Permanent Secretary of SELA, during the opening session of the Regional Seminar on Knowledge Management, ICTs and Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean
Address by Mrs. Ambassador Floria Caricote Lovera, Permanent Secretariat, at the opening session of the Ministerial Meeting
Palabras del Embajador Gerónimo Cardozo, Presidente del Consejo Latinoamericano durante la instalación de la Etapa Ministerial
Evolution of the regional integration 2006-2007: at 30 october 2007
Draft Work Programme for the year 2008
Election of the Permanent Secretary