Monterrey Consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development : The final text of agreements and commitments adopted at the International Conference on Financing for Development Monterrey, Mexico, 18-22 March 2002
The Monterrey Consensus: analysis, proposals and follow-up: executive summary
Consenso de Monterrey de la Conferencia Internacional sobre la Financiación para el Desarrollo
Agenda [High-Level Regional Meeting on Food Security in Latin America and the Caribbean]
Programa [Reunión Regional de Alto Nivel sobre Seguridad Alimentaria en América Latina y el Caribe]
El alza de los precios de los alimentos: Una respuesta del SELA
Lista de Participantes / List of Participants [Reunión Regional de Alto Nivel sobre Seguridad Alimentaria en América Latina y el Caribe]
Soaring Food Prices –Implications for the Most Vulnerable
La respuesta del IICA al aumento en los precios de los alimentos
Conclusiones y Recomendaciones [Reunión Regional de Alto Nivel sobre Seguridad Alimentaria en América Latina y el Caribe]
Conclusions and Recommendations [High-Level Regional Meeting on Food Security in Latin America and the Caribbean]
Speech by Ambassador Odeen Ishmael of the Republic of Guyana [High-Level Regional Meeting on Food Security in Latin American and the Caribbean]