Final Report of the Consultation on Financial Crisis and Trade: Towards an Integrated
Draft Work Programme for the year 2010
Final report on the Regional Meeting to analyze the economic relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and the People’s Republic of China
Final Report on the Seminar on Response Mechanisms to Natural Disasters: Experiences in the Andean region and the Southern Cone
Final Report on the Regional Seminar on Trade and Competition: Prospects and Future Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean
Final Report on the Regional Meeting to evaluate the results of the V LAC-EU Summit
Proyecto de Actividades del Programa IBERPYME para el año 2010
Draft Project of Activities of the IBERPYME Programme for the year 2010
Thirty-third Annual Report of the Permanent Secretariat
Provisional agenda [XXXV Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council – Caracas, Venezuela – 27 to 29 October 2009]
Agenda provisional [XXXV Reunión Ordinaria del Consejo Latinoamericano – Caracas, Venezuela – 27 al 29 de octubre de 2009]
Policies and instruments to deal with the impact of the international economic crisis on Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Latin America and the Caribbean