05 abril de 2010
The reform of the international financial architecture: A Latin American and Caribbean vision

The reform of the international financial architecture: A Latin American and Caribbean vision

05 abril de 2010
Latin American and Caribbean experiences with monetary and financial cooperation. Critical balance and proposals for actions with a regional scope

Latin American and Caribbean experiences with monetary and financial cooperation. Critical balance and proposals for actions with a regional scope

26 marzo de 2010
Perspectiva de la Política Comercial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos hacia América Latina y el Caribe

Perspectiva de la Política Comercial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos hacia América Latina y el Caribe

26 marzo de 2010
Palabras de la Directora de la Red de Información y Conocimiento Dra. Saadia Sánchez Vegas, en representación del Secretario Permanente del SELA

Palabras de la Directora de la Red de Información y Conocimiento Dra. Saadia Sánchez Vegas, en representación del Secretario Permanente del SELA

23 marzo de 2010
Conclusions and Recommendations [Regional Seminar on Trade Relations between the United States and Latin America and the Caribbean in the first year of the Obama Administration

Conclusions and Recommendations [Regional Seminar on Trade Relations between the United States and Latin America and the Caribbean in the first year of the Obama Administration

02 marzo de 2010
Closing remarks by Ambassador Odeen Ishmael, Chairman of the Latin American Council of SELA, at the Regional Meeting: «Economic Relations between LAC-EU and the Sixth Bi-regional Summit in Madrid» [Caracas, Venezuela – 25 and 26 February 2010]

Closing remarks by Ambassador Odeen Ishmael, Chairman of the Latin American Council of SELA, at the Regional Meeting: «Economic Relations between LAC-EU and the Sixth Bi-regional Summit in Madrid» [Caracas, Venezuela – 25 and 26 February 2010]

02 marzo de 2010
La Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños

La Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños

02 marzo de 2010
Summary of the Rapporteur’s Report on the Regional Meeting “Economic Relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union and the VI Bi- Regional Summit in Madrid” [Caracas, 25 and 26 February 2010]

Summary of the Rapporteur’s Report on the Regional Meeting “Economic Relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union and the VI Bi- Regional Summit in Madrid” [Caracas, 25 and 26 February 2010]

01 marzo de 2010
Lista de participantes [Reunión Regional: “Las Relaciones Económicas América Latina y el Caribe-Unión Europea y la VI Cumbre – Caracas, 25 y 26 de febrero de 2010]

Lista de participantes [Reunión Regional: “Las Relaciones Económicas América Latina y el Caribe-Unión Europea y la VI Cumbre – Caracas, 25 y 26 de febrero de 2010]

26 febrero de 2010
Summary of the Rapporteur’s Report on the Regional Meeting “Economic Relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union and the VI Bi-regional Summit in Madrid”

Summary of the Rapporteur’s Report on the Regional Meeting “Economic Relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union and the VI Bi-regional Summit in Madrid”

26 febrero de 2010
Programa provisional [Reunión Regional: “Las Relaciones Económicas América Latina y el Caribe-Unión Europea y la VI Cumbre Birregional de Madrid” – Caracas, 25 y 26 de febrero de 2010]

Programa provisional [Reunión Regional: “Las Relaciones Económicas América Latina y el Caribe-Unión Europea y la VI Cumbre Birregional de Madrid” – Caracas, 25 y 26 de febrero de 2010]

25 febrero de 2010
Declaración de Cancún [Riviera Maya, México, el 23 de febrero de 2010]

Declaración de Cancún [Riviera Maya, México, el 23 de febrero de 2010]
