Presentation: Local SMEs innovation experiences: Public policies to promote innovation in Suriname
Public policies to promote innovation in Suriname
Políticas Gubernamentales para la Promoción de la Exportación de las PYMES
SMEs Competitiveness Development: Structural problems and conditions (México)
The role of origin consortiums in rural development, territorial marketing and promotion of tourism: “Relationship between handicrafts and tourism, UNIDO experiences in Latin America”
Business vision and integral approach for the International of Caribbean SMEs. Ponencia. Taller sobre internacionalización y promoción de consorcios PYME del Caribe. Santo Domingo, 8 y 9 de julio de 2013
Entrepeneurial Integration. Support mechanisms to promote SMEs networks, benefits and stages, SMEs Network characteristics and internal regulation
Definition, types, characteristics and operation of exporting consortiums
Experiences of Caribbean enterprises in exports and case of studies
Inteligencia Tecnoló gica: Punto de partida para la Innovació n y la Transferencia Tecnoló gica en la PYME
INNOVACHILE: Innovar para crecer
Participación Público- Privada Seguros Indexados para el Agro