Presidente Rafael Correa: discurso de inauguración de la IV Cumbre de la CELAC
Final report – Seminar on financing and guarantee systems to support SMEs in the Caribbean
Marcos regulatorios para la movilidad de factores productivos en la Comunidad Andina. Reunión Regional sobre Marcos Regulatorios en los mecanismos de integración subregional en América Latina y el Caribe: Armonización y Convergencia
Armonización de Marcos Regulatorios en la Alianza del Pacífico (AP). Reunión Regional sobre marcos regulatorios en los mecanismos de integración subregional en América Latina y el Caribe: Armonización y convergencia
Decision No. 555 Election of a Member of the Administrative Tribunal of SELA. XLI Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council
Decision No. 551 Work Programme for the year 2016. XLI Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council
Annotated agenda and organization of works. XLI Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council
Agenda XLI Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council
Declaration Ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba. XLI Regular Meeting of the Latin American Counci
Decision No. 558 Entrusting the signing of agreements with organizations and institutions outside the region. XLI Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council
Decision No. 557 Budget process of SELA. XLI Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council
Decision No. 556 Rules of procedure applicable to SELA meetings. XLI Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council