Publicación Destacada
SELA: Estrategias y propuestas de políticas públicas para la integración de ALC

La publicación Estrategias y propuestas de políticas públicas para la integración de ALC presenta una serie de documentos en áreas clave que ofrecen propuestas concretas que sirven como base para la formulación de políticas públicas, en el entendimiento de que la construcción de un mejor futuro para América Latina y el Caribe es un proceso colectivo, que debe responder a las necesidades de nuestra región y fomentar un diálogo continuo y constructivo entre los actores clave para el desarrollo.

16 octubre de 2009
Conclusions and Recommendations [Seminar on Response Mechanisms to Natural Disasters: Experiences in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean- Panama City, Panama- 15 and 16 October 2009]

Conclusions and Recommendations [Seminar on Response Mechanisms to Natural Disasters: Experiences in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean- Panama City, Panama- 15 and 16 October 2009]

16 octubre de 2009
How to Simplify and Improve Mitigation Actions in Ibero-America – Lessons Identified in the Caribbean

How to Simplify and Improve Mitigation Actions in Ibero-America – Lessons Identified in the Caribbean

16 octubre de 2009
CDEMA & the Regional Response Mechanism (RRM)

CDEMA & the Regional Response Mechanism (RRM)

16 octubre de 2009
Conclusiones y Recomendaciones [Seminario sobre Dispositivos de Atención ante Desastres: Experiencias de México, Centroamérica y el Caribe – Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá – 15 y 16 de octubre de 2009]

Conclusiones y Recomendaciones [Seminario sobre Dispositivos de Atención ante Desastres: Experiencias de México, Centroamérica y el Caribe – Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá – 15 y 16 de octubre de 2009]

15 octubre de 2009
From CDERA to CDEMA [Seminar on Response Mechanisms to Natural Disasters: Experiences in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean]

From CDERA to CDEMA [Seminar on Response Mechanisms to Natural Disasters: Experiences in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean]

15 octubre de 2009
Proposal on integration of the Ibero-american strategy for emergency and disaster management

Proposal on integration of the Ibero-american strategy for emergency and disaster management

15 octubre de 2009
Declaration on an “Ibero-American Strategy for Disaster Risk Management”, by the Ibero-American Association of Civil Protection and Defence Governmental Bodies

Declaration on an “Ibero-American Strategy for Disaster Risk Management”, by the Ibero-American Association of Civil Protection and Defence Governmental Bodies

15 octubre de 2009
Guidelines for presentations by countries and organizations [ [Seminar on RESPONSE MECHANISMS TO NATURAL DISASTERS: experiences in Mexico, Central america and the Caribbean – Panamá City, Panama, 15 and 16 Octuber 2009]

Guidelines for presentations by countries and organizations [ [Seminar on RESPONSE MECHANISMS TO NATURAL DISASTERS: experiences in Mexico, Central america and the Caribbean – Panamá City, Panama, 15 and 16 Octuber 2009]

15 octubre de 2009
Conclusions and Recommendations [Seminar on Response Mechanisms to Natural Disasters: Experiences in the Andean region and the Southern Cone – Caracas, Venezuela – 3 and 4 September 2009]

Conclusions and Recommendations [Seminar on Response Mechanisms to Natural Disasters: Experiences in the Andean region and the Southern Cone – Caracas, Venezuela – 3 and 4 September 2009]

15 octubre de 2009
Logistics [Seminar on response mechanisms to natural disasters: experiences in Mexico, Central america and the Caribbean – Panamá City, Panama, 15 and 16 Octuber 2009]

Logistics [Seminar on response mechanisms to natural disasters: experiences in Mexico, Central america and the Caribbean – Panamá City, Panama, 15 and 16 Octuber 2009]

15 octubre de 2009
Agenda [Seminar on Response Mechanisms to Natural Disasters: Experiences in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean – Panama City, Panama – 15 and 16 October 2009]

Agenda [Seminar on Response Mechanisms to Natural Disasters: Experiences in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean – Panama City, Panama – 15 and 16 October 2009]

14 octubre de 2009
Final Report on the Seminar on Response Mechanisms to Natural Disasters: Experiences in the Andean region and the Southern Cone

Final Report on the Seminar on Response Mechanisms to Natural Disasters: Experiences in the Andean region and the Southern Cone
