Final Report. Regional Seminar on Economic Relations between Canada and Latin America and the Caribbean
Final Report on the II Meeting of the Working Group on Trade and Competition
Final Report of the Regional Meeting on recent developments in economic relations between the Russian Federation and Latin America and the Caribbean
Final Report of the Regional Seminar Partnership between public and private sectors for disaster risk management: continuity of government and continuity of operations during disasters
Informe Final. XXII Reunión de Directores de Cooperación Internacional de América Latina y el Caribe
Informe Final del Seminario Regional alianzas entre el sector público y privado para la gestión del riesgo de desastres: continuidad de gobierno y continuidad de operaciones ante situaciones de desastres
Decisión No. 540 – Elección del Secretario Permanente del SELA. Embajador Roberto Guarnieri. XXXVIII Reunión Ordinaria del Consejo Latinoamericano. Caracas, 17 al 19 de octubre de 2012
Follow-up report on the application of the Helms-Burton Law, 2011 – 2012
Final Report. XXII Meeting of International Cooperation Directors for Latin America and the Caribbean: Integration, Cooperation and Convergence for Health in Latin America and the Caribbean
Final Report. Course on Entrepreneurship Strategies for the Development of New Entrepreneurs
El sector de los servicios dentro de la integración latinoamericana y caribeña
Final Report. Regional Meeting Analyses and Proposals for Strengthening the Regional Financial Architecture and Monetary and Financial Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean