Directorio Industrial CNZF 2012-2013. Comisión Nacional de Zonas Francas = Industrial Directory 2012-2013. National Free Zones Commission – Nicaragua (Parte I y Parte II)
Decreto-Ley de Zonas Francas y Parques Industriales
Generando indicadores para la ooperación Sur-Sur: Una mirada al trabajo realizado desde el Programa
The Challenge of managing High debt in the Caribbean
Barbado´s experience for overcoming debt burden
Debt in the Caribbean?
Institutional and management fundamentals of the debt sustainability in Guatemala, a micro approach
Measures to Stimulate Growth in the Caribbean
Proposed measures to stimulate economic growth: regional perspective
The Debt Burden en Suriname 2000-2013
Fiscal Adjustment and Economic Growth
Fiscal Adjustment and Economic Growth: A Regional Perspective