Directorio Industrial CNZF 2012-2013. Comisión Nacional de Zonas Francas = Industrial Directory 2012-2013. National Free Zones Commission – Nicaragua (Parte I y Parte II)
Decreto-Ley de Zonas Francas y Parques Industriales
Generando indicadores para la ooperación Sur-Sur: Una mirada al trabajo realizado desde el Programa
Fiscal Adjustment and Economic Growth
Fiscal Adjustment and Economic Growth: A Regional Perspective
Presentation of the base document of the Permanent Secretariat of SELA, “Debt Burden and Fiscal Sustainability in the Caribbean Region”
Debt Burden and Fiscal Sustainability in the Caribbean Region
UNCTAD Presentation
Debt Sustainability in the Caribbean: Recognizing Unique Vulnerabilities
The Challenge of managing High debt in the Caribbean
Barbado´s experience for overcoming debt burden
Debt in the Caribbean?