Special Declaration 25 of CELAC of the recovery of cultural property materials of CELACs historical archeological, paleonthological, and artistic heritage
Special Declaration 24 of CELAC on unilateral actions against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Special Declaration 23 of CELAC On the actions between the CELAC and the United Organization
Special Declaration 22 of CELAC on the peace process between the Government of Colombia and the FARC
Special Declaration 21 of CELAC of solidarity with the affected states by interests of Transnationals and other enterprises
Special Declaration 20 of CELAC on the international financial architectur – Towards a new global economic gobernance
Special Declaration 19 of CELAC on financing for development
Special Declaration 18 of CELAC on the illicit traficking of conventional weapons
Special Declaration 17 of CELAC of support for the position of the Argentine Republic with respect to the restructuring of its sovereign debt
Special Declaration 16 of CELAC on the urgent need for a nuclear weapon free world
Special Declaration 15 of CELAC on Internet gobernance process
Special Declaration 14 of CELAC on the Post-2015 development agenda