Foto de SELA to participate in Second Inter-Sessional Regional Meeting of UNCITRAL
SELA to participate in Second Inter-Sessional Regional Meeting of UNCITRAL
12 February of 2019

SELA to participate in Second Inter-Sessional Regional Meeting of UNCITRAL

The Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) will participate in the “Second Inter-Sessional Regional Meeting on Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform (ISDS)”, which is being organized by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and will be held on 13 and 14 February in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

On this occasion, the event is focused on the Latin American and Caribbean States. As a regional body, SELA will participate along with high-level government representatives, experts and interested parties, who will reflect on the common experience in the context of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement system.

Delegations of governments in the region will have the opportunity to participate actively in the deliberations of UNCITRAL on possible reform options and exchange views in an open forum. The Dominican Republic will present a report on the discussions at the next period of sessions of the working group in April 2019.

Regional perspectives will be addressed to increase the consistency and accuracy of arbitral awards, the appointment of arbitrators, including a possible code of ethics, costs and duration and financing by third parties in cases of ISDS.