Foto de SELA to hold Seminar-Workshop on financial inclusion of MSMEs in Guatemala
SELA to hold Seminar-Workshop on financial inclusion of MSMEs in Guatemala
18 October of 2018

SELA to hold Seminar-Workshop on financial inclusion of MSMEs in Guatemala

For two days, participants will gain knowledge about the most recent initiatives and mechanisms that are being implemented by governments, the private sector and international organizations in the region to promote financial inclusion and the fintech as key factors for poverty reduction, economic prosperity, social well-being and development of enterprises

The Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) and the Ministry of Economy (MINECO) of Guatemala jointly with CAF-development bank of Latin America, with the will hold the “Seminar-Workshop on Financial Inclusion of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Latin America and the Caribbean” in Antigua, Guatemala, on 30 and 31 October 2018.

SELA will offer a space for exchange of experiences on the various financial inclusion policies that are being promoted in the region, such as fintech, crowdfunding, factoring and the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in financial services for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

At the opening session, the floor will be taken by the Permanent Secretary of SELA, Ambassador Javier Paulinich; the Vice-Minister for Development of SMEs of the Ministry of Economy (MINECO), Gloria del Carmen Zarazúa; and the Deputy Secretary for International Cooperation of the Secretariat for Planning and Programming (SEGEPLAN) of the Presidency of the Republic of Guatemala, Roxana Michelle Prieto.