Foto de SELA joins the launch of the platform “Compare your country – Public Policy Index for SMEs in Latin America” with the OECD and CAF
SELA joins the launch of the platform “Compare your country – Public Policy Index for SMEs in Latin America” with the OECD and CAF
14 May of 2020

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is launching the technology platform “Compare your country – The Public Policy Index for SMEs in Latin America”, with the aim of presenting graphically and dynamically the findings achieved from the implementation of the Public Policy Index for MSMEs (IPPALC) in the countries that make up the Pacific Alliance, Argentina, Ecuador and Uruguay, contained in the publication Policies for Competitive SMEs in the Pacific Alliance and Participating South American countries.”

This portal, available in Spanish and English, shows the performance of the countries involved in seven dimensions intrinsically linked to the proper functioning of the regional MSME sector: Institutional Framework, Operational Environment/Simplification of Procedures, Access to Finance, MSME Development Services and Public Procurement, Innovation and Technology, Productive Transformation, and Access to Market and Internationalisation of MSMEs.

This digital tool make it is possible to carry out an individual and comparative diagnosis of the progress made in public policies for MSMEs and to know successful practices that can be applied with a view to boosting the performance of this productive sector.

This launch is part of an interinstitutional effort that the OECD, CAF-development bank of Latin America and the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) has been made since 2017 as part of the implementation of the IPPALC project in our region.

To access the platform “Compare your country”, enter:

To access the publication Policies for Competitive SMEs in the Pacific Alliance and Participating South American countries,” enter: