Foto de SELA and CISS sign cooperation agreement
SELA and CISS sign cooperation agreement
21 November of 2018

SELA and CISS sign cooperation agreement

The Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) and the Inter-American Conference on Social Security (CISS) have joined forces to promote knowledge in the field of economic and social development.

The cooperation agreement was signed on Wednesday 21 November 2018 by the Permanent Secretary of SELA, Ambassador Javier Paulinich, the Secretary-General of the CISS, Omar de la Torre, and the Director of the Inter-American Centre for Social Security Studies (CIESS), Reginald Thomas, in Mexico City, during the VII Meeting on Public-Private Partnerships for Disaster Risk Reduction.

The parties will be able to carry out joint activities at the technical and institutional level, mainly: a) organize meetings, seminars, workshops, courses and advisory in the areas of economic and social development, as well as social security; and b) conduct professional exchanges and agree on research studies on topics deemed appropriate to help achieving the goals of each institution.

The Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) is a regional inter-governmental organization which seeks to arrange common economic and cooperation strategies between its 26 Member States; and the Inter-American Conference on Social Security is an international, technical, specialized, non-profit organization, of a permanent nature, which aims at encouraging the development of social protection and security.