Foto de Productive articulation will be the main topic of the XLIV Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council of SELA
Productive articulation will be the main topic of the XLIV Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council of SELA
23 November of 2018

Productive articulation will be the main topic of the XLIV Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council of SELA

Representatives of the 26 Member States of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) will meet from 26 to 28 November in Caracas, Venezuela, at the XLIV Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council, highest decision-making organ of this intergovernmental organization.

The Permanent Secretariat of SELA will submit the “Forty-second Annual Report of the Permanent Secretariat”, which describes the activities carried out since the Regular Meeting held last year.

In addition, it will present the “Draft Work Programme for the year 2019”, which focuses on the development of activities that incorporate an innovative and up-to-date vision regarding economic issues that are relevant to its Member States.

In this connection, priority is given to productive articulation in the development of value chains. This topic is also the main area of work for 2019, in particular its promotion, development and internationalization in the region.

On 27 November, the Ministerial Stage of the Regular Meeting will be opened with the participation of the Permanent Secretary of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA), Ambassador Javier Paulinich; the Chairman of the Latin American Council, and the representative of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, as speakers.

In addition, Mr. Francisco Velásquez, Secretary-General of the Latin American Centre for Development Administration (CLAD), will deliver a keynote speech entitled “An innovative public administration”.

In its 43 years of continuous work, SELA has established itself as a regional permanent body for consultation and coordination, joint economic and social promotion and cooperation, with international legal personality, before countries, groups of nations, forums and international organizations.