What is the Network of D&C Ports?
The Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA), in conjunction with CAF-development bank of Latin America and its CAF-LOGRA Programme, launched in 2014 the “Programme for the creation of the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports: Towards strengthening logistic port communities, standards of services and technological innovation for a globalized, logistically competitive and sustainable foreign trade”. Its objective is to suggest the creation of a new inter-institutional collaboration and specialized technical cooperation system that promotes the strengthening of public policies for the national port sector and encourages the implementation of technical recommendations at the local level, in each port system, so as to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of the port logistics chain.
Who makes it up?
The Network of D&C Ports consists of public, private and regional institutions such as transport ministries, national institutes, formalized port communities, port authorities, maritime authorities, guilds, universities and companies; 28 port systems belonging to 13 countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago and Uruguay. The Network proposes a new inter-institutional partnership system committed to competitive and management improvement on the basis of three areas of action: promotion of governances, called port logistics communities (COMLOGPORT); digital port transformation with technological services based on Port Community Systems; and the articulation of public policies that promote institutional modernization, digitization and innovation of the port logistics chain (PUBLIC AGENDA).
The following map shows the formation of the Network in the 28 port logistics communities of the 13 countries participating in the Programme for the creation of the Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports.
At present, ports must move agilely in business collaboration networks and innovation, so as not to lag behind and lose opportunities to develop as a port cluster, and thus boost the economic and social development of their cities and increase the competitiveness of foreign trade.
The current crisis caused by the SARS Cov-2 (COVID-19) virus requires a redimensioning of economic activity, and ports are called to be an important part of economic recovery. Therefore, they must work on their strengthening to be more dynamic and efficient.
The Network aims to adapt its management approach to make a quantitative leap in competitiveness, adopt technological changes and integrate collaboratively with the maritime business, import and export value chains, the logistics user community and public policies in transport.
Main contingency measures
Following is a summary of some measures taken by the ports participating in the Network in the maritime, port and health areas, in order to mitigate the spread and effects of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), to ensure the supply of essential inputs for the population and to guarantee the flow of goods into their territories.
It should be noted that, among the measures taken by the member countries of the Network, the following are worth mentioning: the mandatory use of face masks; constant hand washing; use of disinfectant gel (alcohol-based); shelter of the most vulnerable population; constant disinfection of entities, offices and terminals; use of electronic solutions (digital platforms) for ship-to-land and administrative and commercial interactions among all entities operating in a port and ships; telework (for activities where it is possible); and reduced interactions between personnel on board ships and port entities.
Updated on 20 April 2020
Argentina | Buenos Aires Rosario | Social, preventive and mandatory isolation until 26 April 2020. The Ministry of Transport, by official notice, informs that the activity of domestic and international freight transportation (in all its modes: air, land, sea and river) is exempted from social, preventive and mandatory isolation in order to meet the demand and normal supply of essential consumables for the population and to ensure the flow of goods throughout the national territory; it also notifies that operators of means of freight transport, both national and international, in the Argentine Republic and operators of related activities required for port, land and air activities are required to provide appropriate resources in order to continue the tasks that are necessary to carry out during the period established for the Health Emergency, in compliance with health measures and preventive actions established by the enforcement authority. The Ministry of Transport, by Resolution, created the “Crisis committee to prevent COVID-19 in river, sea and lake transport”. The General Ports Administration developed an “Application Protocol for the Port of Buenos Aires against the spread of COVID-19”. The Ministry of Transport, by official notice, notifies the port authorities that the Ministry of Health issued a series of directives for the expansion and reinforcement of contingency plans at Argentine international ports. Suspension of all time limits relating to subpoenas, transfers, hearings or firm notifications. Through a joint provision by the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Health, the maritime pilots are exempt from the mandatory quarantine when returning from Uruguay in the performance of their duties. Extension of the free storage period for cargoes: a) from 20 March to 10 April 2020 inclusive for those cargoes operating in the terminals of the Port of Buenos Aires; b) application of T1 rate (handling within 5 days) for cargoes unloaded in the Port of Buenos Aires as of 17 March 2020 and withdrawn within the free storage period (indicated in item a) and; c) application of T7 rate (handling within 5 days) for cargoes that entered in the Port of Buenos Aires as of 20 March 2020 for its loading within the free storage period (indicated in item a). Status: Open and operational ports. |
Brasil | São Francisco Do Sul Itajai-Navegantes Imbituba Santos | On 20 March 2020, the “State of Public Calamity” was decreed in Brazil. The Ministry of Infrastructure prioritized the transport of food loads, medicines, sanitation materials and health equipment. On 04 April 2020, the Presidency of the Republic issued a Provisional Measure focused on the port sector, which aims to ensure a safer environment for workers in Brazilian ports. This measure is valid for 120 days. The Federal Government and the Public Ministry of Labour (MPT) made a joint recommendation to standardize protective actions for port workers and ensure the full functioning of Brazilian ports safely. The agreement was articulated by the Ministry of Infrastructure, through the National Secretariat of Ports. The series of recommendations is addressed to port authorities, industry companies and labour management agencies. The National Agency for Waterway Transportation (ANTAQ) issued a note clarifying that both public and private port facilities (including delegates), as well as interstate and international waterway transport activities, remain in operation. The Ministry of Infrastructure, together with the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic, the National Council of Secretaries of Transport (CONSETRANS) and the National Council of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (CNMP), decided to establish a period of cooperation between federal and state prosecutors that ensures the necessary articulation to avoid interruptions in the logistics flow and supply in Brazil. The National Commission of Port Authorities (CONAPORTOS) issued a Resolution establishing security and health surveillance measures in organized ports and port facilities. Each port and/or port company is implementing its own contingency and health emergency plans, in accordance with the guidelines of health authorities and the federal government. The National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) has regularly developed and updated guidelines for the performance of port servers, airports and borders, highlighting the appropriate use of personal protective equipment. The port authority established measures to prevent and protect the health of port workers, service providers, operators and maritime agents, following the recommendations of ANVISA and the Ministry of Health. No vessel may dock or operate at ports without control and prior authorization of ANVISA. This authorization is granted with the issuance of the Certificate of Free Practice (CLP). This certificate is only granted after the analysis of the Maritime Health Statement, which certifies the health conditions of the crew. To issue the certificate, the following information is also carefully required and analyzed: the list of travellers with their places and dates of embarkation and disembarkation, health care records on board. Status: Open and operational ports.l |
Chile | San Antonio Mejillones Valparaíso Talcahuano | From 18 March 2020, and for 90 days, the Constitutional Disaster State of Exception is established; as well as the closure of all land, sea and air borders for the transit of foreign persons. Under this state of emergency, and with respect to the so-called strategic sectors, the guidelines for the operation of ports, airports and border crossings in the transfer of cargo are maintained, in order to ensure the supply of goods and services in the country. The National Customs Service adopted a number of foreign trade facilitation measures to secure the logistics chain and, in turn, protect the health of the institution’s officials and workers of Customs Agencies who must intervene in person in various customs processes. As part of the simplification and facilitation measures taken by the National Customs Service, an e-mail was enabled by Customs to make online submissions. The National Customs Service, in coordination with the Institute of Public Health (ISP), issued a resolution that allows the preferential processing, much more expeditious and without limits of amounts, of critical medical inputs that are imported for the prevention and control of this disease. Port companies and their dealers have agreed on a series of preventive-health measures, in order to ensure the health of their workers and the operation of the terminals. Each port and/or port company has established its own contingency protocols, following the recommendations of the competent authorities. Status: Open and operational ports. |
Colombia | Buenaventura Barranquilla Cartagena | On 17 March 2020, Economic, Social and Ecological State of Emergency is declared throughout the Colombian territory. By decree of 26 March 2020, the freight transport service that is strictly necessary to prevent, mitigate and address the health emergency is guaranteed in the national territory. As of 30 March 2020, all (land, sea and river) borders were closed, preventing the entry and exit of national and foreign citizens. However, port cargo activity is exempt from this border-closing measure. According to communications from the Presidency to the Port Authorities, all port services, pilotage, towing, mooring, receipt of ship-generated waste and handling of goods must be kept fully operational. Therefore, each undertaking providing the services must take the necessary measures to do so. Competent authorities take the necessary measures to ensure customs transit at crossing points or border inspection points located at ports or airports. Basic goods are considered a priority. The Superintendency of Transport established the general guidelines to be complied with by the Maritime Port Societies and River Port Societies, in order to strengthen the prevention of the spread of the virus, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health. It was established by decree that entities granting port concessions may extend the concession periods provided for in the contract for the time they deem necessary to recognize the proven effects on the economy of the contract for the provision of services in their ports, for the time of emergency declared, taking as a framework the contractual risks and the recovery of the value of the investments made. The Directorate-General Maritime (DIMAR) established the protocol for the operation of cargo ships, which prohibits the embarkation, disembarkation and change of crews during the time of stay in the port of Cartagena. In addition, crew disembarkation is prohibited. Persons who may be authorised to go down must at all times follow the biosecurity measures determined by the health authorities. The healthcare authority is the only one authorized to carry out inspections of ships, following the protocols established to do so. Status: Open and operational ports. |
Costa Rica | Limón-Moín | State of national emergency throughout the territory of the Republic of Costa Rica is declared on 16 March 2020. The Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade (MEIC) has ensured that trade borders are kept open, continuously maintaining the reception of products and/or raw materials of interest. The Costa Rican Institute of Pacific Ports (INCOP) reported that Puerto Caldera and the docks of Puntarenas, Quepos and Golfito will have all the necessary resources for the attention of the ships in the port facilities, in accordance with the provisions of the Government of the Republic. Enterprises and port administrations have implemented health care protocols, which include controls on ships and their crew; information signals; self-care measures and health checks on people living in port terminals. Status: Open and operational ports. |
Ecuador | Guayaquil | By Executive Decree dated 16 March 2020, a state of emergency due to the public calamity was declared in Ecuador. The Committee on National Emergency Operations (COE) restricted the movement of persons and vehicles since 16 March 2020, with the exception, among others, of persons working in the export sector and their entire logistics chain. The Undersecretariat for Ports and Maritime and Fluvial Transport (SPTMF) provided for the “Protocol for Cleaning and Disinfection of Maritime Transport Units, Port Entities, Private Terminals and other Public and Private Port Facilities.” The Ministry of Transport and Public Works (MTOP) works in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Health to keep epidemiological surveillance protocols in ports activated. The Port Authority of Guayaquil (APG) through its concessionaires (Contecon, Andipuerto and DP Word Posorja) guarantees national and international trade, following the guidelines established by the National Government. Operational port personnel are required to carefully review the route and ports of origin of ships, crew reports and to continue to comply with all health measures issued for this purpose by the Ministry of Health, the International Maritime Organization and the World Health Organization (WHO). Compliance contributes to the country’s normal trade process (imports and exports). Status: Open and operational ports. |
Guatemala | Quetzal | On 16 March 2020, the Presidential Provisions were issued in the case of Public Calamity and Orders for Strict Compliance, which were amended and expanded on 21 March 2020. Port companies have implemented Contingency Plans to ensure port operations without delay to ships, or to dispatches of import and export cargoes, ensuring the proper supply of vital goods, such as pharmaceutical products, perishable goods and foodstuff, with the purpose of keeping the Guatemalan population well supplied and safe. Personnel involved in port operations must comply with health and prevention protocols issued by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MSPAS). Status: Open and operational ports. |
Jamaica | Kingston | On 13 March 2020, the entire Jamaican territory was declared a disaster area through the enactment of the “Disaster Management (Enforcement Measures) Order 2020”. Amendments and modifications to this order were subsequently made. The National Compliance and Regulation Authority (NCRA) has been participating in discussions with the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Agriculture and Fisheries (MICAF), employees and customers on the global impact of coronavirus. The NCRA Crisis Management Team is actively monitoring the situation and implementing and recommending measures in order to minimize risks. The Jamaica Shipping Association (JAMPORTS) activated its emergency response plan in recognition of the need to protect its staff, members and operations from the threat posed by the pandemic. The actions taken by JAMPORTS thus far include monitoring and researching the virus on a daily basis and disseminating official Ministry of Health and Welfare communiqués to inform employees and members about appropriate methods to prevent and mitigate the effects of the virus. The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) has made available to its member countries, including Jamaica, the document “Interim Guidance about Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) for Ports of Entry in the CARPHA Member States”, providing provisional guidelines on what should be done at Ports of Entry in the Caribbean. Status: Open and operational ports. |
México | Manzanillo Veracruz Altamira Lázaro Cárdenas | The General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Marine (CGPMM) of the Secretariat of Communications and Transport has implemented various institutional actions, based on the premise of granting facilities for ships seeking to reach Mexican ports, as well as the disembarkation of passengers and crew, complying with the corresponding protocols in health matters, in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and the recommendations of the World Health Organization , in order to keep the maritime transport system in operation. In a communication to the Port Captaincy and Maritime Affairs Unit of the Ministry of the Navy, which is responsible for the authorization of boat arrivals to the ports, the stay in the anchoring and docking areas of the tourist cruisers that have ceased to operate on their service routes has been allowed, their resupply of inputs on the way back to their ports of origin will be facilitated and, if required, the necessary support for the disembarkation of passengers has been granted. CGPMM has implemented various institutional actions, based on the premise of granting facilities to ships seeking to reach Mexican ports, as well as the disembarkation of passengers and crew. The Integral Port Administrations (API) are implementing prevention and control measures in maritime ports, for the detection of suspected cases of COVID-19, standardized guideline designed by the General Directorate of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health, in order to maintain their normal activities. In strict compliance with the protocols established by the relevant authority, ports have implemented preventive actions in the field of health. Agreements have been reached, within the framework of so-called essential activities, in order to: grant permits and authorizations to vessels providing services related to cargo or naval and passenger transport, as well as to the production and distribution of gas, oil, petrol or turbosine; process and grant authorizations to act as a general shipping company or consignee of ships; establishment of humanitarian bridges; essential port works to ensure the proper functioning of ports. In addition, agreements have been reached on the entry and exit operation of cargo and passenger ships for the continuation of supply; the provision of the piloting and operation service of vessels in ports requiring immediate attention by the Service Offices of the Navy and; authorization of amendment and anchoring of vessels in ports, for the Service Offices of the Navy. Status: Open and operational ports. |
Panamá | Balboa Colón | On 25 March 2020, quarantine was declared in Panama. The Maritime Authority of Panama (AMP) complies with the instructions and recommendations of the Ministry of Health (MINSA) and the mitigation and security measures adopted by the national government to control the expansion of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The Port Safety and Hygiene team of the General Direction for Ports and Auxiliary Maritime Industries (DGPIMA), in the company of the staff of the Ministry of Labour (MITRADELl) and MINSA, inspect the port terminals that are engaged in the movement of containers, to check the sanitary hygiene conditions of all the workers of the port, verifying that all the parameters set out in our Safety and Hygiene manual are met and that the health conditions are in the best condition. Through the Directorate-General for Seamen (DGGM) remains vigilant about workers’ conditions and is in constant communication with ship owners, ship operators and placement companies. The AMP performs inspections of port terminals two to three times a week, verifying that sanitary cleaning and hygiene levels are maintained and not reduced. Along with this measure, inspections are carried out on Pacific ports in the same way as it is being done at the ports on the Atlantic Coast in the province of Colón. Through Resolution of its Board of Directors, the AMP suspends for a period of ninety (90) calendar days the payment for anchoring passenger ships in ports, berths, anchorage areas and marinas of the national territory, which are registered under the Panamanian flag, seeks to make more attractive the services offered by the auxiliary maritime industry to ships transiting or landing to Panama. Also, it established that anchored vessels must comply with the regulations and provisions in place to prevent sea pollution, comprehensive waste and waste management, applicable to all port facilities and shipyards in the Republic of Panama. This Resolution establishes a ban on crew change and any kind of disembarkation, unless expressly authorized by the Ministry of Health (MINSA). Status: Open and operational ports. |
Perú | Callao Paita | On 15 Mar 2020, the Supreme Decree declaring a National State of Emergency in Peru is published, and mandatory social isolation and compulsory social immobilization are implemented. The activities considered to be exempted from compulsory social isolation are the general agencies; maritime, river and lake agencies; customs agencies; loading agencies; freight transport companies; warehouses; logistics operators; suppliers of customs seals; suppliers of packaging material; pallet suppliers; vehicular custody companies; cargo and ship inspectors; document sending providers; tow cranes; vehicular maintenance workshops; port administrators for public and private use and port workers. The National Port Authority (APN), an entity attached to the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), has implemented various actions to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 and protect the health of port workers and their families. Through a communiqué dated 31 January 2020, the APN said that it should be reported through the process of reception and dispatch of ships in the Port Component of the Foreign Trade Single Window, crew health conditions, ports of call and other points relevant to the health authority’s assessment; so that the authorities take appropriate action. The Port Authority drafted a Recommendations Guide to be adopted by port facilities for their operations during and after the emergency. These recommendations apply to the management of health prevention and control of all areas, equipment, facilities and personnel within the scope of port facilities during and after the national emergency decreed due to COVID-19. Port Protection and Security Management Systems are applied In the terminals and port facilities the, through protocols against COVID19, dictating the respective guidelines of a mandatory nature, thus the plans and protocols of the operators APM Terminals Callao and DP World Callao have been approved. Port communities were informed that port practices should be promoted through digital means, so as not to delay activities and protect the health of workers and their families; in addition, port terminals should take sanitary measures within port facilities. The DP World cabotage route to the north of the country was opened to supply its own operations in the different areas of its container storage terminal at DP World Logistics’ Paita headquarters. The cabotage operation was carried out from the port of Callao towards the Port of Paita. Status: Open and operational ports. |
Trinidad y Tobago | Port of Spain Point Lisas | The Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (PATT) has established a protocol and procedures against COVID-19, which includes external measures (procedures and guidelines implemented in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of National Security, Ministry of Works and Transport, electronic declarations) and internal measures (education and awareness on COVID-19, infectious disease drills, procurement of personnel protective equipment). Being an essential port, Port of Spain carries out its own cargo handling activities with the minimum level of personnel required for the reception and delivery of cargo. The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) has made available to its member countries, including Trinidad and Tobago, the document “Interim Guide about the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) for Ports of Entry in the CARPHA Member States”, providing provisional guidelines on what should be done at Caribbean ports of entry. Status: Open and operational ports. |
Uruguay | Montevideo | Since 13 March 2020, a state of national health emergency was declared, which includes the isolation of certain people. The National Ports Administration (ANP) has inspected its facilities and terminals with the purpose of reviewing existing protocols in terms of cleaning, hygiene and personal care. The ANP has restricted on-site attention to personnel and external public. For the entry, operation and departure of vessels in Uruguayan ports, authorization granted by the Ministry of Health through the Single Window for Foreign Trade is required. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs published entry and exit guidelines from the Republic that was sent to the Directions of Migration and Customs; the Ministries of Public Health, Transport and Public Works, Interior and National Defence; border offices, airlines and other relevant authorities. The President and the Minister of Transport and Public Works discussed alternatives to boost investment in routes and ports through the private sector. Following the ministerial agreement, the minister prioritized dredging the port of Montevideo, as well as national and secondary routes. Status: Open and operational ports. |
Source: Official Web pages and information taken from the news releases and communiqués from the Governments and Ministries, Port and Sea Authorities, and Ports from the Member countries of the Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports.
*Economist, Analyst of the Direction of Studies and Proposals of the Permanent Secretariat of SELA.