Foto de Colombia ratifies its support to SELA
Colombia ratifies its support to SELA
22 September of 2022

The Permanent Secretary of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA), Ambassador Clarems Endara, held a meeting with the Minister of Trade of Colombia, Germán Umaña Mendoza, who ratified his support to SELA’s multi-year Work Programme and the actions to promote integration.

During the meeting, both authorities analysed the progress made in SELA’s Work Programme, as well as the projects and activities related to Colombia, such as support to SMEs, the industry of cultural heritage, trade and the gender approach, as a cross-cutting element in joint actions.

The meeting allowed for strengthening ties with Colombia, as a Member State of SELA since 1979 and a fundamental nation for the development and economic recovery of Latin America and the Caribbean.