Foto de Argentina assumed chairmanship of the Latin American Council of SELA
Argentina assumed chairmanship of the Latin American Council of SELA
30 November of 2022

Argentina took over the chairmanship of the Latin American Council of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) from Mexico during the XLVIII Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council, held on Wednesday 30 November in Caracas.

The Ambassador of Argentina in Venezuela, Óscar Laborde, upon assuming the chairmanship, pledged to promote the work of SELA as an organisation that harmonises and articulates regional integration. For her part, Helietta González, Head of the Deputy

Mission of the Embassy of Mexico in Venezuela, underscored SELA’s efforts to coordinate with the membership in order to comply with the Work Programme.

The Latin American Council is the highest decision-making body of SELA and every year the chairmanship changes. On this occasion, Argentina assumes the chairmanship, Haiti the first vice-chairmanship, Honduras the second vice-chairmanship and Cuba the functions of rapporteur of the Latin American Council.

During the XLVIII Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council, SELA renewed its commitment with its 25 Member States to achieve more and better integration through a common regional agenda that contributes to the growth of Latin America and the Caribbean.