Foto de SELA and OECD join efforts to support MSMEs in the region
SELA and OECD join efforts to support MSMEs in the region
16 November of 2017

Firmasela OcdeThe Permanent Secretary of SELA, Ambassador Javier Paulinich and the Director of the OECD Cabinet and Special Adviser to the Secretary General, Dr. Gabriela Ramos, signed the present in Asunción, Paraguay.

SELA and OECD join efforts to support MSMEs in the region

The Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have signed a technical and institutional cooperation agreement to make progress with the conduction of joint projects aimed at promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Within the framework of the International Conference and Ministerial Meeting “Towards Inclusive Social Protection Systems in America Latin and the Caribbean”, the Permanent Secretary of SELA, Ambassador Javier Paulinich, and the Cabinet Director of the OECD for Latin America and Special Counsellor for the Secretary General, Mrs Gabriela Ramos, signed the agreement in La Asunción, Paraguay.

The resolution includes a Specific Cooperation Project that envisages the implementation of the Index of Public Policies for MSMEs, which is a valuable tool to monitor public policies aimed at encouraging the economic dynamism of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, while enabling for comparability of results between countries and facilitating the exchange of experiences in the matter.

Considering that MSMEs account for more than 90 percent of productive units, generate more than half of the jobs and a one-fourth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the region, this inter-institutional agreement represents a valuable joint effort to promote economic development.

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