Foto de Public Policy Index for MSMEs: Results for the Pacific Alliance, Argentina, Ecuador and Uruguay
Public Policy Index for MSMEs: Results for the Pacific Alliance, Argentina, Ecuador and Uruguay
16 July of 2019

SELA and FLACSO sign agreement to promote sustainable and inclusive economic and social growth

The Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) and Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) have agreed to carry out joint actions aimed at promoting sustainable and inclusive economic and social development in Latin American and Caribbean countries.

The cooperation agreement was signed on Tuesday 16 July 2019, in Buenos Aires, by the Permanent Secretary of SELA, Ambassador Javier Paulinich, and the Director of FLACSO Argentina, Luis Alberto Quevedo.

The parties will be able to carry out joint activities at the technical and institutional levels, namely: organizing meetings, seminars, workshops and training sessions in the field of economic and social development, as well as professional exchanges, and agree on research studies on topics deemed appropriate to help them meet their objectives.

The Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) is a regional inter-governmental organization that seeks to arrange common economic cooperation strategies among its 26 Member States. On the other hand, the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) is a Latin American and Caribbean international agency of an independent academic nature dedicated to the promotion, education, research and cooperation in the area of social sciences.