Foto de Covid-19: SELA’s Webinar to deal with the reality and prospects for Latin America and the Caribbean
Covid-19: SELA’s Webinar to deal with the reality and prospects for Latin America and the Caribbean
05 May of 2020

The Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) together with the Maritime Policy Bureau, in collaboration with the Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports, will hold a Webinar on the reality of Latin American ports and their prospects against Covid-19. It will be held on Thursday 28 May at 12:00 noon (Miami local time).

This event is the first of a Webinar cycle on the ports of the region organized by SELA. Participants will gain knowledgeabout the economic impact caused by COVID-19 on the sector and on global value chains; as well as the current challenges for the maritime industry, cooperation mechanisms and recovery prospects, among other topics.

Four international specialists̶  including Paolo Giordano, Economist specialized in the integration and trade sectors of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); AntonisMichail, Technical Director of the Global Sustainable Ports Programme (WPSP); Alessandro Cassinelli, general manager of the PSA Panama terminal, and Captain Frank Pretell, Director of the Maritime Engineering Career of the Universidad Tecnologica de Peru (UTP)̶will deal with the best practices, recommendations and management of the crisis in the wake of the pandemic, from their respective area of expertise.

The Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports, which was created in 2014 and has consolidatedever since, under a joint programme between SELA and CAF-Development Bank of Latin America, has managed to integrate 28 port systems of 13 countries in the region. In view of the many commercial and port challenges facing Latin America and the current emergency due to the SARS COV-2 virus, the Network is gaining strength to join efforts in order to increase regional competitiveness and make progress with the necessary structural changes so as to promote the economic and social development of the region’s countries.