Foto de SELA approves creation of the Action Committee for the Network of Digital Ports
SELA approves creation of the Action Committee for the Network of Digital Ports
06 May of 2022

The XIV Special Meeting of the Latin American Council of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) approved on Thursday the creation of the Action Committee for the institutionalisation of the Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports, with the support of Peru, Bolivia and Panama.

The Action Committees constitute one of the bodies of SELA, whose main function is to draw up studies, programmes and specific cooperation projects among participating Member States, mainly in the areas that are part of the fields of action identified in SELA’s Work Programme, as well as to adopt joint positions for negotiations that are of interest to more than two participating Member States.

The creation of the Action Committee is part of the project for the institutionalisation of the Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports, included in the Economic Recovery Area of SELA’s multi-year Work Programme for 2022-2026.

Through the activation of the Action Committee for the institutionalization of the Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports, this body would have the power to design and implement its own modalities that promote the participation of public and private entities, directly linked or not to the Network, regardless of the current participants that make it up.

In addition, during the XIV Special Meeting of SELA, the Permanent Secretary, Ambassador Clarems Endara, presented his progress and achievements in the areas of Economic Recovery, Digitalisation and Social Development, which are the three main pillars of SELA’s multi-year Programme, aimed at strengthening the capacities of the Member States to overcome the economic crisis caused by the pandemic and generating added value as regards the design of public policies.

Furthermore, the Member States were briefed on the details of the restructuring process of the organisation, aimed at making it more dynamic, efficient and adjusted to its goals and objectives.

The meeting was held at the headquarters of the Permanent Secretariat of SELA, in Caracas, in hybrid modality (virtual and face-to-face) and was attended by the delegations of Mexico, Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela.

The Latin American Council is the highest decision-making body of SELA, which annually brings together its Member States to establish the general policies of the organisation through decisions that are approved by consensus.

SELA is committed with its 25 Member States to achieve more and better integration through a common regional agenda among blocs for the development of economic policies that contribute to the growth of Latin America and the Caribbean.