MERCOSUR Has Huge International Potential

30 de julio de 2014
Fuente: Published by Telesur, Venezuela
Caracas, July 30, 2014 (Telesur).- Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff said her country's commerce has grown more with MERCOSUR -a common market involving a number of South American countries- than with any other trade partners.

According to Rousseff, trade between member countries has grown 11 times since the founding of the bloc in 1992. This is more than twice the rate of grwoth in global trade.

On Tuesday, during her intervention at the MERCOSUR summit, underway in Caracas, Brazil's president highlighted the bloc's natural resources and their significant industrial capacity as essential elements for the regions international relevance.

“We have the credentials to become an important international player” she stated.

The Brazilian president urged member countries to improve integration mechanisms in production areas, a measure which she believes “will lead to closer ties between our industries, with positive results”.

Rousseff added that “It's important to strengthen our internal markets, which have grown significantly due to our policies of social inclusion and income distribution, the great engines of our recent development”.