UNASUR Will Support G-77 Summit in Bolivia

28 de mayo de 2014
Fuente: Published by Prensa Latina, via Google News
La Paz, May 28, 2014 (PL).- The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) will provide its full support to the Summit of the Group of 77 plus China (G-77), scheduled for June 14 and 15.

A press release from the Bolivian Foreign Ministry informs the UNASUR Foreign Ministers approved several documents in support of the Presidency of Bolivia at the G-77 and committed to provide their support for the success of the meeting in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

The Bolivian minister David Choquehuanca, quoted by the mentioned press release, pointed out "UNASUR welcomed the preparation of the extraordinary Summit of Heads of State on the occasion of the anniversary 50 of the founding of the Group of 77 plus China".

He also recalled "I undertook to provide all my collaboration to make the summit a success and reiterated our support for the presidency of Bolivia in the G-77 during this period".

Choquehuanca referred to the releases approved in the Galapagos Islands meeting, among them the fifth, proposed by Bolivia, which expresses the will of that country for the presence of Cuba at the Summit of the Americas to be held in Panama, 2015, unconditionally and on equal footing.