The Latin-American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) in collaboration with the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), the Digital and Collaborative Port Networks and the Port Management Association of the Caribbean (PMAC), will organize a Virtual Seminar on the Port Experience in the Caribbean on 25th-26th October, 2021.
One of the main objectives of this seminar is to improve port management and operational efficiency within the region. The supply chain disruptions and recurring bottlenecks in ports that resulted from the pandemic demonstrate the inefficiencies in the sector, so it has become a challenge to maintain the fast, efficient and profitable movement of cargo in a cost-effective manner.
On the other hand, the health and economic crisis caused by the pandemic has also heightened interest in Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), specifically those related to infrastructure and transport services. The challenge is to generate the economic, financial, technical, and regulatory conditions that allow maintaining these partnerships, collaboration, and cooperation between sectors. Global trends and the need for a robust and innovative transport system require significant capital-intensive investment.
In that sense, public-private partnerships (PPPs) represent potential mechanisms to support the development of ports in the region. Research has shown that PPPs, which combine the capabilities of the private sector with the social responsibilities of the public sector, can make a significant difference in the development of a sustainable transport system. Within this framework, PPP becomes critical for effectively managing port operations especially within the context of a rapidly digitizing world. With this new drive for digital acceleration including the employment of innovative tools, methodologies, and technologies, having the right resources must be a key pillar for port development within the region. It is therefore crucial to develop the capacities for effectively maintaining these relationships and harnessing the resources made available through these relations.
In this sense, this virtual seminar will focus on building awareness and capacity to effectively utilize PPP as a tool for port management efficiency. Together with this, it will highlight best practice examples and innovative procedures used by Port Authorities in the region to manage ports and facilitate trade. This event will constitute a platform for dialogue and a space to share ideas, lessons learned and experiences that will improve the port environment of the region and promote regional integration.