Training program for the public management of MSME programs with a gender focus

Date November 22, 2023 to March 08,2024
Modality Presencial

CELIEM is an organization aimed at promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and Latin American economic development, which seeks to impact the positive growth of the region through research, analysis, policy formulation, training and business support.

Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women is an integral part of each of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and especially the promotion of public policies that support productive activities, the creation of decent employment, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the officialization and growth of micro, small and mediumsized businesses.

Entrepreneurship ecosystems are the drivers of development of a given region, where the public, private, academic, and banking sectors coexist within a territory to create an
environment and conditions that facilitate the emergence of companies and business projects, especially those that support initiatives led by women.

In that sense and given the current circumstances, there is a demand for public officials who understand and comprehend the dynamism that exists in entrepreneurial ecosystems, and the need for training, training and transfer of specialized knowledge within companies that contributes to the generation of entrepreneurial capabilities and increases production processes through innovation.

In this context, the course in Public Management for the promotion of women’s micro, small and medium-sized businesses is presented, aimed at public officials and decision makers in Latin America that allows providing institutions with highly trained people who develop skills and tools. for the formulation of public policies, transfer of innovation and entrepreneurship towards women’s ventures in Latin America.

Public management program for the promotion of micro, small and medium enterprises with a gender focus

The Latin American Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CELIEM), presents the training program in Public Management for the promotion of micro, small and medium enterprises with a gender focus, an initiative aimed at strengthening the institutional capacities of public management of those who articulate processes to support the development and support of entrepreneurship ecosystems oriented to women.

The training program is structured in 3 modules, in which through virtual sessions (synchronous and asynchronous), conceptual elements, tools and methodologies are addressed that contribute to acquiring or strengthening knowledge and skills of the participants to improve their personal and professional performance, in the management of processes that their institutions promote in the construction of public policies that improve entrepreneurship ecosystems.

General objective

Install and develop technical capabilities that allow public officials and decision makers in Latin America to formulate public policies, promote and develop a better ecosystem, which strengthens the promotion of innovative, inclusive and sustainable ventures led by women, to impact development and economic growth of the region.

Specific objetive

  • Develop and promote in public officials competencies and skills that contribute to generating innovative approaches in ventures with a gender focus.
  • Strengthen the management of public policies in the current context through knowledge of ecosystems.
  • Know environments for innovation at the regional level and generate spaces conducive to organizational innovation, managing the portfolio of local and global networks that influence the exploration, development and sustainability of innovative ventures with a gender focus.
Entry Profile

This training program is aimed at public officials and decision makers, who, through their work at the national, regional and local level, develop support processes to strengthen an environment favorable to the promotion of women’s entrepreneurship, micro, small and medium-sized businesses in Latin America.

Interested persons must show:

  • Interest in the development of creative and innovative solutions to address the current problems of the entrepreneurial ecosystem for women entrepreneurs.
  • Ability to work in teams and interest in the political, social and economic reality faced by women’s MSMEs in the region.
  • Availability of the time required to take the course (4 hrs per week).
Ouput profile

Once all the theoretical and practical training activities of the course have been completed, the interested person will have the knowledge, skills and abilities required to formulate public policies and understand the different influences, both financial and non-financial, that promote better conditions in business development processes. in a comprehensive manner with a view to development, growth and competitiveness, linked to innovation, social inclusion and the economic growth of women.