Seminar on financing and guaranties to support SMEs in Central America

Date September 03 to 04, 2015
Modality Presencial
Location Auditorium of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade (MEIC). San José, Costa Rica - Sabana Sur, 400 meters west of the Building of the Comptroller General of the Republic, former venue for ARESEP – now Edificio MEIC - San José - Costa Rica

SELA will hold the “Seminar on financing and guarantees to support SMEs in the Caribbean” in Kingston, together with the Ministry of Industry, Investment and commerce (MIIC) of Jamaica. The event aims to present the results of the pre-feasibility study on the creation of a regional guarantee system for SMEs in the Caribbean, conducted by SELA; review the achievements concerning innovative financial mechanisms and instruments to complement guarantee systems; and promote the integration of work teams in the Caribbean, in order to make progress for launching regional guarantee systems.



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