Regional Seminar on productive articulation for the strengthening and development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the region

Date December 05 to 06 ,2018
Modality Presencial
Location Headquarters of the Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA), located in 4ª Avenida 10-25 zona 14 Guatemala City - Guatemala

This seminar was part of the Productive articulation programme for the strengthening and development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the region, undertaken by the Permanent Secretariat of SELA with the support of the CAF-development bank of Latin America. In this event, various activities were organized to promote inclusive value chains that facilitate the productive articulation and export capacity of enterprises and encourage the increase in productivity and promotion of sustainable growth in the region.

As part of this programme, one of its areas of action includes the development of a set of indicators to assess and monitor trade and the degree of interdependence of national and regional markets, while proposing the development of a map of productive niches.

To achieve this goal, this seminar included four main topics: (i) productive transformation, value chains and their determination; (ii) public initiatives in the field of productive transformation for inclusion in value chains; (iii) opportunities for cooperation; and (iv) determining productive niches.






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