Regional Meeting on Update Study on the Index of Public Policies for SMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean

Date July to 08, 2016
Modality Presencial
Location National Centre for High Technology (CeNAT). Dr. Franklin Chang Diaz Building, 1.3 km North of the U.S. Embassy. Pavas - San José - Costa Rica

SELA will conduct the “Regional Meeting on Update Study on the Index of Public Policies for SMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean” in San José, Costa Rica, in cooperation with the Directorate-General for Support to Small and Medium Enterprises (DIGEPYME) of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade (MEIC) of Costa Rica. This Regional Meeting is intended to disclose the document prepared by the Permanent Secretariat of SELA, which analyzes the experiences of other regions in the adaptation of the Index of Public Policies for SMEs developed by the OECD. In addition, it describes the current status of public policies for SMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean and presents a detailed procedural framework for the implementation and assessment of the Index of Public Policies for SMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean (IPPALC).

