Regional meeting on productive transformation in the digital era: An opportunity for MSMEs in Latin America and the Caribbeanc

Date April 29 al 30 de Abril 2019
Hour 8:30 to 16:30 Montevideo, Uruguay.
Modality Presencial
Location Montevideo, Uruguay

The Permanent Secretariat of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) and the National Directorate for Crafts, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (DINAPYME) of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM) of the Republic of Uruguay held the Regional Meeting on Productive Transformation in the Digital Era: An opportunity for MSMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean on 29 and 30 April 2019, in Montevideo.



The constant changes in the current economic dynamics force companies, governments and societies to generate and constantly build capacities for adaptation, resilience and reinvention. At the global level, the phenomenon of the fourth industrial revolution has rapidly transformed productive processes, the relationship between suppliers and demanders, educational systems and mechanisms for social interaction, with emphasis on four priorities: cost reduction, optimization in the use of time, increased quality and wide range of solutions to needs.

In this industrial revolution, the digitization has become the cornerstone of innovation, supporting major changes in other areas of knowledge such as nanotechnology, robotics, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, which have resulted in the creation of new goods and services, the generation of new circuits of international trade and the formation of new productive chains.

For these reasons, digitization provides great opportunities to promote the performance of the regional economy with emphasis on MSMEs, and is no longer an option but a necessity. Through it, it is possible to optimize production processes, facilitate communication with suppliers and customers, and explore new markets faster and at a lower cost.

Empirical evidence has confirmed the positive impact of digitization on economic growth and productivity. According to The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), SMEs that implement technological solutions see their revenues increase at a rate 15% higher and create jobs twice more quickly than those that rejected the technological advances. In addition, according to estimates, the use of data analysis techniques for decision-making has enabled gains of 6% to 8% in productivity in the OECD countries.

At present, Latin America and the Caribbean suffer from low levels of productivity and international competitiveness. This lag is much more pronounced in small-sized enterprises, whose labour productivity level is six times lower than that of the large ones, in contrast to the OECD countries where large companies are two times more productive than the smallest ones.

In order to face up to this reality, the countries in the region have undertaken productive transformation and diversification programmes to generate profound changes in their economic structures. Innovation, the adoption of new technologies and digitization are part of the cross-cutting themes that are being addressed with special emphasis for MSMEs.

Despite the efforts made, big challenges have arisen and prevent full exploitation of benefits of the digital industry, such as the development of significant institutional changes to regulate the activities of the Industry 4.0, the training of skilled labour to accompany this kind of projects, the creation of mechanisms that ensure the financing required for this type of investment whose returns are uncertain, and the promotion of optimum security and privacy measures.

Thus, with a view to contributing to greater synergy in this thematic area, a proposal is made to hold a meeting that would serve as a space for presenting and discussing regional and international experiences in the implementation of a digital agenda for productive transformation, with emphasis on policies aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises.


This regional meeting has the following objectives:

  1. Generate a space for discussion on the main challenges and opportunities of the countries in the region in the transformation efforts of their productive matrices;
  2. Gain knowledge about the status of implementation of a regional digital agenda that promotes growth and productivity with special emphasis on MSMEs; and
  3. Assess the impact of digitization on the inclusion of MSMEs in business linkages programmes
Agenda presentations

Monday, 29 April 2019


8:30 – 9:00 REGISTRATION


9:00 – 9:30 OPENING SESSION 

  • Rafael Mendive, Director of MIEM-Dinapyme
  • Alvaro Ons, Secretary of Productive Transformation and Competitiveness
  • Germán Ríos, Director Representative of CAF-development bank of Latin America in Uruguay
  • Embassador Javier Paulinich (Spanish), Permanent Secretary of SELA
9:30 – 11:00 SESSION I. Productive transformation programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean: Progress and perspectives

Moderator: Manuel Albaladejo, Director of the UNIDO Regional Office

11:00 – 11:10 OPEN DEBATE
11:10 – 11:25 COFFEE BREAK
11:25 – 12:20 SESSION II. MSMEs in productive transformation programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean

Moderator: Adolfo Castejón, Chief Executive of the Private Sector Technical Analysis and Assessment Directorate of CAF-development bank of Latin America

12:20 – 12:30 OPEN DEBATE
12:30 – 13:20 SESSION III. Modernization of public administration for productive transformation

Moderator: Eduardo Piña,Specialist of Studies and Proposals of SELA

13:20– 13:30 OPEN DEBATE
13:30– 14:30 LUNCH
14:30 – 15:50 SESSION IV. Innovation within the framework of productive transformation programmes

Moderator: Daniel Kefeli, National Directorate for Industries of MIEM-DNI

15:50 – 16:00 OPEN DEBATE
16:00 – 16:30 GENERAL DEBATE
Tuesday, 30 April 2019


9:00 – 10:40 SESSION V. Opportunities of digital technologies for business development

Moderator: Cecilia Durán, Coordinator, Productive Transformation and Competitiveness System

10:40 – 11:00 OPEN DEBATE
11:00 – 11:15 COFFEE BREAK
11:15– 12:35 SESSION VI. Opportunities of digital technologies for business development (Continuation)

Moderator: David Cabrera, Regional Business Environment Adviser of CENPROMYPE

  • Leonardo Loureiro, President of the Uruguayan Chamber of Information Technologies (CUTI)
  • Rosmery Rivera, Director of Monitoring and Assessment of the Technological Institute of Production of Peru. Opportunities of digital technologies for business development (Spanish).
  • Marcelo Montado, Vice-President of the Chamber of Digital Economy of Uruguay (CEDU) 
12:35 – 12:45 OPEN DEBATE
12:45 – 13:30 SESSION VII. Business partnership and technology transfer in the digital era

Moderator: Eduardo Piña, Specialist of Studies and Proposals of SELA

13:30 – 13:40 OPEN DEBATE
13:40 – 14:40 LUNCH 
14:40 – 15:40 SESSION VIII. Importance of financing in productive transformation

Moderator: Martín Dibarboure, President of Uruguay’s National Development Agency (ANDE)

15:40 – 15:50 OPEN DEBATE
16:20 – 16:30 SESIÓN DE CLAUSURA

  • Andrés Tolosa, President of Uruguay’s National Telecommunications Administration (ANTEL)
  • Guillermo Moncecchi, Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining of Uruguay
  • Ambassador Javier Paulinich, Permanent Secretary of SELA

Venue and date

The regional meeting will be held on 29 and 30 April 2019 in the Executive Tower (Torre Ejecutiva), located in front of Plaza Independencia.

The Executive Tower is made up of the North Tower (Torre Norte) and the South Tower (Torre Sur).

In the Auditorium of the Executive Tower, accessed through Liniers 1324, the working sessions scheduled for 29 April in the morning will take place.

The 2A and 2B conference rooms, located in the building adjacent to the Executive Tower and accessed through Liniers 1280, the rest of the working sessions scheduled for 29 April in the afternoon and 30 April will be conducted.


The official languages for the event will be Spanish and English. There will simultaneous interpretation.


Delegates and representatives of the participating countries will be hosted at the Esplendor by Wyndham Montevideo Cervantes Hotel.

If you require further support, please contact at SELA:

Mrs. Cora Romero
Official of Travels and Arrangements
Administration Management, Personnel and General Services
Permanent Secretariat
Telephone: +58(212) 9557111 y 9557124
Fax: +58(212) 9516901 y 9515292

Dress code

Formal attire


This activity is aimed at the authorities of the governmental focal points linked to productive transformation and development programmes of the Member States of SELA, regional and international organizations, and special guests.

Participation in this event is subject to the invitations forwarded by the co-sponsors.

Information on migration

For information on migration to enter Uruguay, please visit the following Web page:


Permanent Secretariat of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA)

Coordination by the Permanent Secretariat of SELA:

  • Eduardo Piña
    Specialist of Studies and Proposals
    Telephones: 58-212-955-7111 / 955-7141
  • Silvia Hernández
    Analyst of Relations
    Telephones: 58-212-955-7111 / 955-7146

Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM)

  • María del Pilar Llaneza
    Assessment and Monitoring
    National Directorate for Crafts, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
    Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining
    Rincón 723, Of. 204
    Montevideo – Uruguay
    Fax. (598) 2 9030490
    Tel. (598) 2 9028203 int. 257
  • Montserrat Zunini
    Assessment and Monitoring
    National Directorate for Crafts, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
    Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining
    Rincón 723, Of. 204
    Montevideo – Uruguay
    Tel. (598) 2 9028203 int. 257
    Fax. (598) 29030490
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