Created in 2014, the Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports is making progress thanks to the non-refundable technical cooperation agreement between CAF-development bank of Latin America through its CAF-LOGRA Programme, and the Permanent Secretariat of SELA; by which it has been possible to create a Network linking twenty-eight port systems in thirteen Member States[1].
The core strategy of the programme has been to promote and contribute to the creation of support networks both at the country and regional levels through a new system of inter-agency collaboration and specialized technical cooperation that promotes the strengthening of public policies aimed at the port sector, as well as the implementation of technical recommendations at the local level in each port system. This is aimed at increasing the competitiveness and sustainability of the port logistics chain, by modernizing ports as its main mechanism. Since 2017, the Network established its own governance with its collaborating members that has enabled the development of a work agenda in the scientific-technological, management and sustainability areas of port logistics communities and in the design of public transport and trade policies for the development ports and their logistics.
Following this breakthrough, a renewed image of the Network is foreseen in 2020 with the launch of the new portal (Web site and extranet), as part of the actions to promote port digitization in the region. In 2021, this programme is expected to continue to be strengthened with the incorporation of new tools and training workshops on technological and information improvements that will also enable to increase the usefulness of the specialized portal for the members of the Network and the general public.
In this vein, and for the sake of digital transformation, the new Web site and extranet will increasingly improve the administrative processes of port communities in the region, expand communications among its members, and stimulate the search for integration solutions that enhance logistics chains in the future; which is particularly important amid the emergency situation posed by the adverse scenario due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
[1] Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay.
The main purpose of this event is to inform about the launch of the new Web site and extranet of the Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports, as part of the actions to promote port digitization in Latin America and the Caribbean. This will help to strengthen the Network so that, it can contribute to help growth and increase competitiveness of the countries that make it up.
11:00am (Time Venezuela)
Introduction and welcome speeches | |
6 min |
Introduction video.
Context of ports and economies in Latin America and the Caribbean |
Speeches by authorities | |
3 min |
Video of the Port Network
New goals and great challenges for the new stage |
Relaunching of the Network of Ports and its importance for the region | |
2 min |
Launch of the new Web site and extranet of the Network of Ports | |
Round table discussion | |
15 min | Dialogue with Fausto Arroyo, Senior Executive of the Direction of Analysis and Technical Evaluation Infrastructure of CAF-Development Bank of Latin America |
15 min | Debate. Questions and answers |
Acknowledgement speech | |
2 min | Ambassador Javier Paulinich, Permanent Secretary of SELA |
Final video | |
Farewell and closure speech | |
2 min | Glenda Umaña |
Invitation open to all interested audiences