II Latin American and Caribbean Regional Meeting of Logistic Port Communities SELA-CAF Programme “Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports”

Date July 27 to 29 ,2017
Modality Presencial
Location Cartagena de Indias - Colombia

With the conduction of the II MEETING OF LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN LOGISTIC PORT COMMUNITIES, provided for in the Work Programme of SELA for the year 2017, this organization, with the cooperation of CAF-Development Bank of Latin America, went a step forward towards the materialization of the Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports in Latin America and the Caribbean and responded to the approaches by participants of the first meeting.

In addition, as a prelude to the conduction of the II MEETING, the FIRST SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM ON PORT LOGISTICS CHAINS was held on 26 July 2017. This event was organized by the Grupo de Apoyo Metodológico (GAM) of the port city of Cartagena and aimed to develop an open debate on the importance of networks in scientific regional port logistics collaboration and the dissemination of applied research projects in port logistics chains.


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