VII Meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Port Logistics Communities: Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports

Date August 22nd-25th, 2023
Hour 8:15 am to 15:30 pm
Modality This meeting will be in hybrid modality (face-to-face and virtual). Registration for the VII Meeting is free of charge

The Permanent Secretariat of SELA and CAF-Development Bank of Latin America and Caribbean, through its CAF-LOGRA Programme, started in 2014 the “Programme for the Creation of the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports: Towards the Strengthening of Port-logistic Communities, service standards and technological innovation for a globalized, logistically competitive and sustainable foreign trade” (hereinafter, the Network), with the objective of proposing to the region a new system of inter-institutional collaboration and specialized technical cooperation that promotes the strengthening of public policies for the national port sector and promotes the implementation of technical recommendations at the local level, in each port system.

The Permanent Secretariat of SELA and CAF-Development Bank of Latin America and Caribbean, through its CAF-LOGRA Programme, started in 2014 the “Programme for the Creation of the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports: Towards the Strengthening of Port-logistic Communities, service standards and technological innovation for a globalized, logistically competitive and sustainable foreign trade” (hereinafter, the Network), with the objective of proposing to the region a new system of inter-institutional collaboration and specialized technical cooperation that promotes the strengthening of public policies for the national port sector and promotes the implementation of technical recommendations at the local level, in each port system.


World trade, in the last three years, has registered a marked loss of dynamism, derived from the measures adopted to mitigate the effects of COVID-19, the closure of some ports, the increase in the price of maritime freight, the disturbances generated by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the increase in world commodity prices.

According to WTO figures, world trade grew 2.7% in 2022, lower than the 9.4% recorded in 2021. For 2023, the organization forecasts that the volume of world merchandise trade will grow at a slower rate of 1.7%, due to inflationary pressures, tightening of monetary policy, and uncertainty in financial markets. In the case of Latin America and the Caribbean, the WTO estimates a weaker growth for the region, of 0.3%, after registering a growth of 1.9% in 2022[1].

In addition to this trade scenario and the frequent shocks and geopolitical risks, the debate on globalization has opened ways are being sought to gain resilience and increase the integrity and continuity of supply chains. Thus, the recognition of regional integration and the exploitation of opportunities associated with possible nearshoring processes has emerged to boost trade.

Given this difficult situation, aspects such as the harmonization of regulations and standards; improvements in interoperability, the development and improvement of port infrastructures; investment in digital infrastructure; technological innovation; promotion of education and training in digital skills; and the adoption of policies that promote adaptation to climate change and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; the adoption of policies that promote adaptation to climate change and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; in addition to taking advantage of the energy transition and decarbonization, as well as the promotion of initiatives that seek to achieve gender equality and multilateral cooperation, will be priorities for strengthening supply chains and transforming maritime-port activity.

This VII Regional Meeting will be a space to address these issues that strengthen the ecosystem of digital and collaborative ports in the region; it will also allow the exchange of ideas and experiences among Member States that face common problems and whose purpose is to overcome, through joint efforts, the challenges of development.

It should be noted that this event will be held within the framework of the Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation Agreement signed with CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, with the purpose of promoting coordination processes that promote regional integration, permanent and proactive debate on issues of interest to port systems, and the promotion of the formation of support networks both in the national and regional context, for port logistics communities.

In this context, the Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports is working to propose to the region a system of inter-institutional collaboration and specialized technical cooperation, whose focus has been to be an articulating network with its own governance, which promotes the strengthening of public policies for the national port sector and promotes the implementation of technical recommendations at the local level, in order to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of the port logistics chain, and to this end, it has proposed to achieve its institutionalization.

[1] OMC (2023, abril 7). Outlook on World Trade and Statistics.


As the main objective of the Meeting is to analyze the development and evolution of the maritime sector in the region and its connection with other modes of transportation, in particular the promotion of the transition to other more sustainable modes of transportation, the specific objectives are listed below. 

  1. Present considerations on the effects of climate change on seaports, the adaptation of ports to this phenomenon, the promotion of resilience and the implementation of new energy sources to achieve environmental sustainability, in the framework of the fulfillment of the SDGs.
  2. To publicize regional initiatives on the urban integration of port areas, which have stimulated port development with the least possible impact on the environment and on the well-being of the population. This under the premise of a balanced and sustainable development.
  3. To report on regional advances in the promotion of multimodality, mainly in the topics of cost reduction, regional integration, and the challenges of climate change.
  4. Showcase experiences in the use of digital transformation to interconnect a port, exchange data and information, and improve port efficiency, through the intensive use of technology and digitalization.
  5. Present projects and examples of interconnectivity between modes of transport as part of supply chains and integration hubs.
  6. Present regional progress and initiatives in gender equality, as well as the contributions made by women in the maritime port, commercial and logistic sectors (both on land and on-board ships.)
  7. To inform the members of the NETWORK about the progress of the consultancy associated with the SELA-CAF Cooperation Agreement, as well as the work plan for the next few years.
Event information

The VII Regional Meeting of Port Logistics Communities is co-organized by the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA), through the Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports, with the CAF-Development Bank of Latin America and Caribbean and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

This event will be held on August 22-25, 2023, at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), located at Dag Hammarskjold 3477, Vitacura, Metropolitan Region, Santiago, Chile. During the same period, the Assembly of the Steering Committee and Members of the Network will be held.

Date: August 22nd-25th 2023.

Modality: This meeting will be in hybrid modality (face-to-face and virtual). Registration for the VII Meeting is free of charge.

Face-to-face: Celso Furtado Room at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

Virtual: Register through the following link:

Language: Spanish, with simultaneous interpretation to English.


For any additional information reach out to:

In the Latin American Economic System (SELA):

  • José Miguel Rovira, Coordinator of the Economic Recovery Area


In the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC): 

  • Miryam Saade Hazin, Officer in Charge of the Infrastructure Services Unit
    Division of International Trade and Integration (DCII)
  • José Duran, Head of the Regional Integration Unit
    International Trade and Integration Division (DCII)

Day 1: Tuesday, 22 August 2023

8:15-9:00 Registration

  •  Keiji Inoue, Officer in charge of the International Trade Division
    at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Carola Marín Rivero, Director of the Chilean Ministry of Public
  • Dinorah Singer, Senior Executive of CAF-Development Bank of
    Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Ambassador Clarems Endara, Permanent Secretary of the
    Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA)
 09:30-09:50 SESSION I
Fausto Arroyo, Senior Executive of the Infrastructure Technical Analysis and Evaluation Department of CAF-Development Bank of Latin America and Caribbean. Network of Virtual and Collaborative Ports: advancing in new commitments (Spanish)
09:50-11:40 SESSION II
Moderator:  Carlos Martner, Coordinator of the Mexican Institute of Transportation (IMT).
Port environmental sustainability, resilience to impacts from climate change and energy efficiency.


Objective: To present considerations on the effects of climate change on seaports, the adaptation of ports to this phenomenon, the promotion of resilience and the implementation of new energy sources to achieve environmental sustainability, within the framework of compliance with the SDGs.

11:30-11:50 Coffee break / Official photo of the Event
11:50-14:00 SESSION III
Moderator: Roger Rios, Coordinator of the Comprehensive Research Programme for the Development of Port Cities (PROCIP) at the State University of Costa Rica (Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica).Panellists:

Objective: To disseminate regional initiatives on the urban integration of port areas, which have stimulated port development with the least possible impact on the environment and on the well-being of the population. This under the premise of a balanced and sustainable development.

14:00-15:30 Lunch


15:30-17:00 SESSION IV
Moderator: Eduardo LugoPresident of Marítima and Logistics Consulting.Panellists:

  • Joao Carlos Parkinson, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil. Bioceanic corridors (Spanish).
  • Ricardo Sánchez, Director of the Caribbean Shipping Association’s Caribbean Research Institute and Professor of the School of Management at the Universidad de Los Andes.
  • Romina Morales, Digital Transformation Leader, Conecta Logística de Chile. Connect Logistics (Spanish).
  • Ricardo Partal, President of the World Organisation of Cities and Logistics Platforms (OMCPL). Freight corridors: their integration into international trade (Spanish).

Objective: To present projects and examples of interconnectivity between modes of transport as part of supply chains and integration hubs.

  Day 2: Wednesday, August 23rd 2023


09:00-11:00 SESSION V
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AND PORT TECHNOLOGY ADOPTIONModerator: Elisabet Torres, Analyst of Economic Recovery at the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA).


Objective: To show experiences in the use of digital transformation as a way to interconnect a port, exchange data and information, and to improve port efficiency through the intensive use of technology and digitalisation.

11:00-11:20 Coffee break
11:20-13:30 SESSION VI
Moderator: Eric Petri, Executive Secretary of the Southern Cone Ports Corporation.Panellists:

Objective: To present regional progress and initiatives on gender equality as well as the contributions made by women in the maritime, commercial and logistic sectors (both on land and ships.)

13:30-15:00 Lunch


15:00-17:00 SESSION VII
Moderator: To be announced.Panellists:

Objective: The challenge of multimodality in the region. Towards greater connectivity and more efficient and sustainable modes of transport.

  Day 3: Thursday, August 24th


09:00-11:00 SESSION VIII
Moderator: Miryam Saade, Officer in charge of the Infrastructure and Logistics Services Unit at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)Panellists:

Objective: Discussion on the challenges of connections between ports and inland waterways transport in the Andean Community and MERCOSUR.

11:00-11:20 Coffee break
11:20-13:30 SESSION IX
Moderator: Miryam Saade, Officer in charge of the Infrastructure and Logistics Services Unit at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)Panellists:

Objective: Discussion on the challenges of connections between ports and inland waterway transport in the Andean Community and MERCOSUR.


  • Keiji Inoue, Officer in charge of the International Trade Division at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean(ECLAC).
  • Fausto Arroyo, Senior Executive of the Infrastructure Technical Analysis and Evaluation Directorate at CAF-Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Ambassador Clarems Endara, Permanent Secretary.
14:00–15:30 Lunch


15:30-17:00 Progress of SELA-CAF consultancy and cooperation

  • José Miguel Rovira, Coordinator of the Economic Recovery Area of SELA.
  • Fausto Arroyo, Chief Executive of the Directorate for Infrastructure Analysis and Evaluation at CAF-Development Bank of Latin America.
  • Octavio Doerr, President of Doerr y Asociados Ltda.
Day 4: Friday, August 25th 2023


Technical visit to Chilean port facilities (to be defined) – (by invitation)