
On 16 December 2022, the Forum "Responding to the challenges of integration for the development of Latin America and the Caribbean" was held and jointly organised by the Permanent Secretariat of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, under the presidency pro tempore of Argentina, as an initiative for the review and analysis of experiences, proposals and strategies, cooperation and convergence aimed at promoting development models that respond to the needs and interests of the countries of the region. The event took place in the face-to-face/virtual modality.

The regional, subregional and multilateral integration organisations of Latin America and the Caribbean that participated in the forum agreed to promote a regional agenda through the establishment of technical discussion roundtables / working axes on the following topics:

  1. Regional productive value chains;
  2. Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation;
  3. Cross-border cooperation and infrastructure;
  4. Sustainable energy; and
  5. Food security.

Under this commitment, the General Secretariat of the Andean Community (SGCAN) is organising a working meeting to discuss the axis of "cross-border cooperation and infrastructure," the results of which will contribute to the construction of the regional convergence matrix, identifying actions to encourage regional integration in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In this context, it is important to recognise the role of regional integration in addressing solutions to shared challenges such as the post-pandemic transition process, which had consequences on global supply chains due to the different war conflicts and international transport costs.

At present, the actors in the international system are rethinking globalisation, and have focused on a concept that, although not new, is gaining in relevance, such as regionalisation in the commercial, economic and technological spheres.

Latin America and the Caribbean have been characterised by the promotion of important integration processes that seek to position the region in the international context. This integration is a facilitating element in the economy to promote the construction of more dynamic markets and favour the exchange of goods and services among the countries of the region.

This regionalisation, rethought from our countries, could be consolidated by also taking advantage of the existing opportunities among the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, as a destination for goods, services and investments originating in the region itself, the promotion of digital transformation, digitalisation through the implementation of platforms, e-commerce, and the movement of the different factors of production, to cite a few examples.

This can be achieved through specific measures such as regional regulatory harmonisation, based on capacity building and exchange of national experiences of the actors involved in the integration processes, including the public and private sectors.

Similarly, digitalisation and the development of digital systems and platforms would contribute to cross-border cooperation and integration, through the transmission of information in real time, in order to reduce transaction costs and provide greater transparency and clarity in commercial, economic and regulatory processes.

To achieve these objectives, in addition to the above, joint action by the countries of the region is necessary, through South-South cooperation and capacity building focused on common objectives, such as the boost of competitiveness of MSMEs, productive complementarity, and the promotion of actions aimed at fighting the lack of digitalisation and information technologies, among other issues. This action would be strengthened, in addition to the competitive advantages, in terms of cultural idiosyncrasies, language, countries that share more than one border, and lower logistical costs due to the shorter distances among our countries.

In this regard, convergence, exchange of best practices and knowledge transfer should be the objectives of this exercise at the working table on cross-border cooperation and infrastructure.

General objective

To promote a space for dialogue, exchange of experiences and best practices, coordination and identification of points of convergence among the different regional integration schemes in Latin America and the Caribbean, with the support of bodies specialised in the field of cross-border cooperation and infrastructure. This will allow the development of topics of common interest for the creation of a joint work agenda in the near future.

Specific objectives
  • To identify points of common interest among Latin American and Caribbean integration schemes for cross-border cooperation and integration.
  • To present the progress and challenges in terms of cross-border integration in the Latin American and Caribbean region, especially in the areas of interoperability and digital initiatives.
  • To identify and present the opportunities in the regional space for cross-border integration and infrastructure, transport and logistics.
  • To identify potentialities and generate spaces for the exchange of best practices in access to technology and digital initiatives, in terms of integration and cross-border cooperation.
  • To contribute to the convergence matrix in this field of action, marking a roadmap.
Format of the event

The event will be held on 15 August 2024 in a face-to-face and virtual format, at the premises of the General Secretariat of the Andean Community, and through the virtual platform proposed by the SGCAN. The event would last 4 hours, from 09:00 to 13:00 (Bogotá, Lima, Quito time).

Registration link:


The General Secretariat of the Andean Community and the Permanent Secretariat of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System will convene the integration schemes and international organisations participating in the process.

Invitations will be extended to private sector stakeholders, in accordance with the topics to be discussed.

The Secretary General of the Andean Community and the Permanent Secretary of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System will participate in the opening ceremony.

Speakers from the SGCAN and other organisations of the region that express their interest in the topics proposed in the agenda will participate.

It is expected that interested professionals and representatives of regional and subregional integration organisations of Latin America and the Caribbean who participate in the Seminar will also be able to do so virtually through the platform to be determined by the SGCAN.


The General Secretariat of the Andean Community will make available its facilities and the required technological equipment. Likewise, it will provide the technological infrastructure for the transmission of the webinar presentations. It will provide coffee breaks for participants in person.

Target audience

The event will be addressed to regional, subregional and multilateral integration organisations of Latin America and the Caribbean, international organisations participating in the initiative, and the public sector of the member countries involved in cross-border cooperation and infrastructure.

The private sector will also be invited to attend in person in Lima. The SGCAN will provide a room for the participation of interested parties.






09:00 - 09:15


Ambassador Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Secretary General of the Andean Community.

Ambassador Clarems Endara, Permanent Secretary Latin American and Caribbean Economic System.


09:15 – 09:45

Intervention - International Specialist:

Hely Olivares, Senior Executive of Regional Integration, CAF

-Presentation of international trends in cross-border cooperation.

-Best practices.



09:45 – 10:00

Experience of the SGCAN in the implementation of cross-border projects

Presentation of the projects (success factors, lessons learned, future challenges) CESCAN I and II and INPANDES implemented in the Border Integration Zones. The current action plan of the GANIDF and its scope will be explained.

José Chamorro – SGCAN


Intervention – International Specialist:

Sebastián López – Leading Transport Specialist - CAF

Importance of interoperability, standards and coordinated processes.

-International experiences

-Best practices

-Regulatory benchmarking



10:20 – 10:40

Andean Community Interoperability Project (INTERCOM).

Scope of the project and the type of information to be exchanged, in addition to its stages and how the tool will contribute to the digital development of the CAN.

William Rodríguez - SGCAN

10:40 – 11:30

Considerations and complements Secretaries General and representatives of the participating integration bodies

To be confirmed

11:30 – 11:55

Intervention – International Specialist

José Galván Tovar SENASICA (Confirmed by e-mail)

-Importance of interoperability in the control and monitoring of phytosanitary aspects.

-International experiences.

-Best practices.


11:55 – 12:15

Regional Centre for Phytosanitary Intelligence of the Andean Community (CRIFCAN). Objective of the tool, its components and implementation phases. Benefits and facilities that member countries will have with its implementation. Katty Rojas - SGCAN

12:20 – 12:45

Considerations and complements

Secretaries General and representatives of the participating integration bodies

To be confirmed

12:45 – 1:00


Ambassador Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Secretary General of the Andean Community.

Ambassador Clarems Endara, Permanent Secretary Latin American and Caribbean Economic System.